Your turkey and cheese sandwich and small bar of dark chocolate might be a tasty lunch, but beware of the headache that could follow it. All these foods contain chemicals that can bring on a migraine. Other culprits include aged cheeses like stilton and brie, diet fizzy drinks, and processed meats and fish #cheese #alcoholContinue reading

Risk of stroke

You can reduce your risk of stroke or further strokes by limiting your alcohol consumption. Your doctor may recommend that you limit all alcohol consumption in the months following your stroke. Alcohol and stroke: Drinking large amounts of alcohol (six or more standard drinks per day) increases your risk of stroke #stroke #strokerisk #strokemedicine #strokerehabContinue reading “Risk of stroke”

Am I prone to have a stroke?

When members of a family pass traits from one generation to another through genes, that process is called heredity. Genetic factors likely play some role in high blood pressure, stroke, and other related conditions. Several genetic disorders can cause a stroke, including sickle cell disease. People with a family history of stroke are also likelyContinue reading “Am I prone to have a stroke?”

What is a Tics Disorder?

We should first know it is a kind if movement disorders which are neurological conditions that affect the speed, fluency, quality, and ease of movement and is usually abnormal fluency or speed of movement . Tics are involuntary muscle contractions that interrupt normal activities. They often are preceded by a strong sensation or urge thatContinue reading “What is a Tics Disorder?”

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening complication of an infection. Sepsis occurs when chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight the infection trigger inflammatory responses throughout the body. This inflammation can trigger a cascade of changes that can damage multiple organ systems, causing them to fail. If sepsis progresses to septic shock, blood pressure drops dramatically,Continue reading “What is Sepsis?”