Prevention starts with knowing your risk. Nine in ten Filipino have at least one risk factor for stroke or heart disease. Almost 80% of premature stroke and heart disease can be prevented through healthy behaviors. That means that habits like eating healthy, being active and living smoke free, have a big impact on your health.Continue reading

3 kinds of Dementia. Dementia progresses differently in everyone. Many people will experience the symptoms associated with the following stages of Alzheimer’s disease: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) MCI is a condition that can affect older people. Some of these people will go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease. MCI is characterized by losing things often, forgetfulness,Continue reading

Vascular dementia, also known as post-stroke or multi-infarct dementia, accounts for about 10 percent of all cases of dementia. It’s caused by blocked blood vessels. These occur in strokes and other brain injuries. #vascular #dementia #dementiaawareness #dementiacare #specialist #neurologist #winnielimkhoo #manila #philippines – at Manila Doctors Hospital, 12F Metrobank Foundation Hall View on Path