What is a Stroke Specialist?

A stroke is caused when there is interruption to the blood supply to the brain, which is often the result of a blood clot in a cerebral (brain) artery (ischaemic stroke ). It may also be caused by the rupturing of a blood vessel in or near the brain (haemorrhagic stroke). A stroke specialist or neurologist hasContinue reading “What is a Stroke Specialist?”

Questions and Answers about a stroke

What is a stroke? Stroke is a medical condition in which a blood stops flowing to any part of the brain which leads to cell damage. When blood supply to the brain is interrupted it may lead to brain damage or possibly death. What is causing a stroke? There are several factors that may leadContinue reading “Questions and Answers about a stroke”

Understanding the different types of Stroke

A stroke normally happens when blood cannot supply oxygen and important nutrients to your brain cells. When brain cells do not get enough oxygen or nutrients, they die. A stroke can happen in two main ways:  Ischemic Stroke Hemorrhagic Stroke An Ischemic Stroke occurs when a blood vessel that supplies the brain becomes blocked or “clogged” and impairs bloodContinue reading “Understanding the different types of Stroke”

Understanding Neurological Disorder

According to the World Health Organization (WHO); Neurological disorder are diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. In other words, the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscles. These disorders include epilepsy, Alzheimer disease and other dementias, cerebrovascular diseases including stroke, migraine and other headacheContinue reading “Understanding Neurological Disorder”

Stroke Prevention 101

In my several years of practice of medicine specifically in the field of neuroscience. A lot of patient had repeatedly asked the question, “How do you prevent a stroke?”. Well, the answer is actually very simple. Care to make a guess? Its “LIFESTYLE CHANGE”. Its the ultimate key to lower your risk of a stroke.Continue reading “Stroke Prevention 101”

Do you know that more millennials are having a stroke?

It is pretty common to see the occurrence of stroke in patients that are 60 years of age and above; but do you know that based on studies in the U.S.; more than 10% of stroke patients are below the age of 45. As a mater of facts, other studies shows: From birth to age 19, there are nearlyContinue reading “Do you know that more millennials are having a stroke?”

How can I fully recover from a stroke?

Stroke can be treated. If the right actions are taken quickly after a brain attack or stroke, a person may not have major long term disability. Stroke Rehabilitation is the process and approach that helps you to recover as many abilities as possible. A typical stroke rehabilitation program may include exercises and routines that youContinue reading “How can I fully recover from a stroke?”

What are the dangers of a Brain Aneurysm?

First we have to know that an aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel caused by a weakness in the blood vessel wall, usually where it branches. As blood passes through the weakened blood vessel, the blood pressure causes a small area to bulge outwards like a balloon. It may develop in any blood vessel inContinue reading “What are the dangers of a Brain Aneurysm?”

Are you at risk of a stroke?

Almost anyone can have a stroke, although there are some things that make you more at risk than others. It’s important to know what the risk factors are and do what you can to reduce your risk. A whole lot of people thinks that strokes only happen to older people but stroke can strike anyoneContinue reading “Are you at risk of a stroke?”

Why do I keep feeling dizzy?

The condition of Dizziness can range from fleeting faintness to a severe balance disorder that makes normal functioning impossible. Among adults over 60, about 20 percent have had a dizziness episode that affected their usual activities. Dizziness is also the unwanted side effect of many different medications. Here are a few of the symptoms ofContinue reading “Why do I keep feeling dizzy?”