High Blood Pressure lang? Think again!

High blood pressure is defined as a systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg. Systolic blood pressure is the maximum pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts. Diastolic blood pressure is the minimum pressure in the arteries between the heart’s contractions. You will be classed as havingContinue reading “High Blood Pressure lang? Think again!”

How does shabu affects your brain?

Meth Crystal (METHAMPHETAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE) or commonly called in the Philippines as Shabu is a powerful addictive drug wthat dramatically affects the central nervous system and other parts of the body. It also causes a variety of cardiovascular problems. These include rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and irreversible, stroke-producing damage to small bloodContinue reading “How does shabu affects your brain?”

Secret way on how your neurologist identifies a brain aneurysm

Aneurysm is a ballooning at a weak spot in an artery wall. It may leak or rupture, causing bleeding into the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Most often a ruptured brain aneurysm occurs in the space between the brain and the thin tissues covering the brain. Neurologist use multiple tests to confirm a brain aneurysm diagnosis: MRA:Continue reading “Secret way on how your neurologist identifies a brain aneurysm”

First Steps to Stroke Recovery

Stroke can be treated. If the right actions are taken quickly after a brain attack or stroke, a person may not have major long term disability. Stroke Rehabilitation is the process and approach that helps you to recover as many abilities as possible. A typical stroke rehabilitation program may include exercises and routines that youContinue reading “First Steps to Stroke Recovery”

How can I fully recover from a stroke?

Stroke can be treated. If the right actions are taken quickly after a brain attack or stroke, a person may not have major long term disability. Stroke Rehabilitation is the process and approach that helps you to recover as many abilities as possible. A typical stroke rehabilitation program may include exercises and routines that youContinue reading “How can I fully recover from a stroke?”

What are the dangers of a Brain Aneurysm?

First we have to know that an aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel caused by a weakness in the blood vessel wall, usually where it branches. As blood passes through the weakened blood vessel, the blood pressure causes a small area to bulge outwards like a balloon. It may develop in any blood vessel inContinue reading “What are the dangers of a Brain Aneurysm?”

What is a brain aneurysm?

The medical term for an aneurysm that develops inside the brain is an intracranial or cerebral aneurysm or commonly called brain aneurysm. It is a weak bulging spot on the wall of a brain artery very much like a thin balloon or weak spot on an inner tube. Over time, the blood flow within theContinue reading “What is a brain aneurysm?”

I have aneurysm, so what is next?

If a brain aneurysm is detected before it ruptures, treatment may be recommended to prevent it rupturing in future. Most aneurysms won’t rupture, so treatment is only carried out if the risk of a rupture is particularly high. Factors that affect whether treatment is recommended include your age, the size and position of the aneurysm,Continue reading “I have aneurysm, so what is next?”

Are you at risk of a stroke?

Almost anyone can have a stroke, although there are some things that make you more at risk than others. It’s important to know what the risk factors are and do what you can to reduce your risk. A whole lot of people thinks that strokes only happen to older people but stroke can strike anyoneContinue reading “Are you at risk of a stroke?”

Why is my hand shaking?

Shaky hands are commonly referred to as a hand tremor. A hand tremor isn’t life-threatening, but it can make daily tasks difficult. It can also be an early warning sign of some neurological and degenerative conditions. You should speak with your doctor if you experience hand tremors. Many people associate shaky hands with Parkinson’s disease,Continue reading “Why is my hand shaking?”