Understanding your Sleep

Sleep is equally important to our body just like drinking, eating and breathing. It is a an important element in keeping a good mental and physical health.  Sleep help a person recover from a mental and well as physical exhaustion. Sleep is thought to help keep your immune system strong and your heart and blood vesselsContinue reading “Understanding your Sleep”

Understanding Migraine Triggers

Migraine is referred to as an intense headache that may be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, lightheadedness, visual problems and an increased sensitivity to light or sound. Migraines may not be a big threat to life but it can significantly damage the quality of people’s lives. Common migraine triggers are as follows: Stress AnxietyContinue reading “Understanding Migraine Triggers”

Understanding Brain Tumor

According to the National Brain Tumor Society,  Brain tumor is defined as an abnormal growth 
of tissue in the brain or central spine that can disrupt proper brain function. Brain tumours are graded according to how fast they grow and how likely they are to grow back after treatment. Grade one and two tumours are low grade,Continue reading “Understanding Brain Tumor”

Understanding Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety attacks also known as anxiety disorder are classified as one of the most common psychological problems. They can be the result of biochemical imbalances, past experiences, and stress. They are not neurological conditions. However, nerve disorders and psychological concerns can have similar symptoms. Therefore, neurologist are always on the lookout for the symptoms of depressionContinue reading “Understanding Anxiety Attacks”