Facts about Parkinson’s Disease

Around the world, Parkinson’s Disease (PD) has affected around 6.3 million people Approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, and this number does not reflect the thousands of cases that go undetected. It is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental and ageing factors Incidence of Parkinson’s increases with age, but anContinue reading “Facts about Parkinson’s Disease”

Practical ways of preventing Heatstroke

Here are a couple of suggestions for preventing heatstroke: Drink plenty of water or other cool, non-alcoholic fluids even if you’re not thirsty (check with your doctor if you are on limited fluids or fluid pills.) Plan ahead. Reduce activity and avoid exercise in hot weather. If activity is unavoidable, try to schedule it forContinue reading “Practical ways of preventing Heatstroke”

Brain Foods That Help You Concentrate

Caffeine Can Make You More Alert There’s no magic bullet to boost IQ or make you smarter — but certain substances, like caffeine, can energize you and help you concentrate. Found in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, and some medications, caffeine gives you that unmistakable wake-up buzz, though the effects are short-term. And more is oftenContinue reading “Brain Foods That Help You Concentrate”

Tips on How to Improve your Memory

By the time you’ve reached adulthood, your brain has developed millions of neural pathways that help you process and recall information quickly, solve familiar problems, and execute familiar tasks with a minimum of mental effort. But if you always stick to these well-worn paths, you aren’t giving your brain the stimulation it needs to keepContinue reading “Tips on How to Improve your Memory”

FHM : Familial Hemiplegic Migraine

A rare but severe form of migraine that causes temporary paralysis-sometimes lasting several days-on one side of the body prior to or during a headache. Symptoms such as vertigo, a pricking or stabbing sensation, and problems seeing, speaking, or swallowing may begin prior to the headache pain and usually stop shortly thereafter. When it runsContinue reading “FHM : Familial Hemiplegic Migraine”

Basilar-Type Migraine

Mainly affecting children and adolescents, this includes Migraine with aura symptoms that originate from the brainstem, but without motor weakness. It occurs most often in teenage girls and may be associated with their menstrual cycle. Symptoms include partial or total loss of vision or double vision, dizziness and loss of balance (vertigo), poor muscle coordination, slurredContinue reading “Basilar-Type Migraine”

Prevent Vomiting during Nausea

When you begin to feel nauseated, you may be able to prevent vomiting by: Drinking small amounts of clear, sweetened liquids such as soda or fruit juices (except orange and grapefruit juices, because these are too acidic) Resting either in a sitting position or in a propped lying position; activity may worsen nausea and mayContinue reading “Prevent Vomiting during Nausea”

Ménière’s Disease

Meniere’s disease symptoms tend to come on as “episodes” or “attacks.” Most people with Meniere’s disease don’t experience symptoms between episodes. Symptoms of Meniere’s disease include: vertigo (attacks can last anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours)   loss of hearing in the affected ear tinnitus (a sensation of ringing) in the affected earContinue reading “Ménière’s Disease”

Vertigo & Dizziness

Vertigo is when a person feels like they are moving when they are not. Often it feels like a spinning or swaying movement. There may be associated nausea, vomiting, sweating, or difficulties walking. It is typically worsened when the head is moved. Vertigo is the most common type of dizziness The most common diseases that resultContinue reading “Vertigo & Dizziness”

Rebound Headache

While over-the-counter medicines are helpful in improving headache pain, they must be taken with caution because they could actually make your headaches worse if they aren’t taken correctly. The overuse or misuse of analgesic medications — exceeding labeling instructions (such as taking the medications three or more days per week) or not following your physician’sContinue reading “Rebound Headache”