Understanding Neck Pain

Firstly we have to know that our neck is a flexible connection between your head and the rest of your body  Many vital structures pass through this area of the body.. Because of its location and range-of-motion, it is often left unprotected and subject to injury. Neck pain can result from many different causes — from injury, to age-relatedContinue reading “Understanding Neck Pain”

Understanding Migraine

Migraine is more than just a headache and migraine pain normally comes with nausea (queasiness and feeling sick) or vomiting (being sick), over sensitivity to light, noise, movement, or smell. It can mean the attack, or can mean the underlying disease that causes the attacks. Migraine pain can be on one side of the head orContinue reading “Understanding Migraine”

CGH : Chinese General Hospital Neurologist – Dra Winnie Lim Khoo

Dr. Winnie Lim Khoo  A Board Certified Neurologist in Metro Manila.  She was born in the Philippines & is fluent in English, Chinese, Filipino  & Ilonggo dialects.  Specialized training in the field of Neurology at Makati Medical Center & New York Presbyterian Hospital.   Field of Specialization  Dra. Winnie Lim Khoo a brain, spinal cord & nerve specialist withContinue reading “CGH : Chinese General Hospital Neurologist – Dra Winnie Lim Khoo”