The facts and meaning of Brain Attack

According to John Hopkins Hospital, Brain Attack or the commonly called Stroke happens when blood flow to the brain stops, even for a second. Blood carries oxygen and other important substances to the body’s cells and organs, including the brain. In an ischemic stroke – these substances can’t get to the brain and brain cells die. This canContinue reading “The facts and meaning of Brain Attack”

Rick factor of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

Ramsay Hunt syndrome occurs in people who’ve had chickenpox. Once you recover from chickenpox, the virus stays in your body — sometimes reactivating in later years to cause shingles, a painful rash with fluid-filled blisters. Ramsay Hunt syndrome is a shingles outbreak that affects the facial nerve near one of your ears. It can alsoContinue reading “Rick factor of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome”

How to get a Prescription in times of Lockdown

In times of Community Quaratine (Lockdown); It is certainly difficult to have your regular medical check up or getting an updated Prescription for you to buy your medicine. VIDEO ONLINE CONSULTATION with your specialist now available in the Philippines. Get a quick, convenient and secure way to digitally connect with your neurologist (specialist) without having to queueContinue reading “How to get a Prescription in times of Lockdown”

Understanding Balance Problem

Balance problem is one of the most common reason why senior citizens visit a neurologist; They are often caused by disturbances on the inner ear. There are Three (3) main parts of the ear – the external or outer ear, the middle ear , and the inner ear (the labyrinth). The balance system is aContinue reading “Understanding Balance Problem”

Tips on how to prevent dizziness

Dizziness or Lightheadedness is a feeling of faintness or being close to passing out. It can occur alongside vertigo, which affects balance and makes a person feel as though they or their surroundings are spinning. Although lightheadedness and vertigo can feel similar, they have different causes. Some of the common causes of lightheadedness are: HypertensionContinue reading “Tips on how to prevent dizziness”

Cervical Fracture is Broken Neck

Cervical Fracture is also commonly called “Broken Neck”. It is made up of 7 connected bones called vertebrae. The vertebrae are connected to each other above and below through strong discs and joints on either side called facet joints. Your discs protect your spine by acting like shock absorbers to distribute weight evenly through yourContinue reading “Cervical Fracture is Broken Neck”

Understanding Spinal Cord Injury

The spinal cord enables communication between the brain and the rest of the body. It contains nerve cells, called neurons, and bundles of nerve fibres, or axons, that carry signals to and from the brain. All the information needed to initiate and control movement travels down the spinal cord from the brain to the musclesContinue reading “Understanding Spinal Cord Injury”

Understanding Nausea

Nausea comes in waves and may make you want to vomit. It often occurs before or after vomiting. You may suddenly feel cold, clammy and dizzy and appear pale. You may also notice your breathing and heart rate change. There is an area in the brain called the “vomiting center” and this controls nausea and vomiting. Continue reading “Understanding Nausea”

Understanding Neck Pain

Firstly we have to know that our neck is a flexible connection between your head and the rest of your body  Many vital structures pass through this area of the body.. Because of its location and range-of-motion, it is often left unprotected and subject to injury. Neck pain can result from many different causes — from injury, to age-relatedContinue reading “Understanding Neck Pain”

Lagi ba Sumasakit ang ulo mo?

Palagi po bang sumasakit ang iyong ulo? Hirap ka na ba sa sakit? Maaaring Migraine na po ito. Migraine is more than just a headache and migraine pain normally comes with nausea (queasiness and feeling sick) or vomiting (being sick), over sensitivity to light, noise, movement, or smell. It can mean the attack, or can meanContinue reading “Lagi ba Sumasakit ang ulo mo?”